Welcome to my Newtonian Reflector Telescope Build

Hello. This is a slow-moving project, but eventually I hope to have a completed Newtonian style reflector telescope to show. I'm the sort of person who usually has more than one project on the go at once, which means all my projects tend to progress slowly (unless I have a particular aim in mind). I don't tend to blog much about my projects, unless they are of particular interest, but you may find I have one or two others being blogged about. As of June 18, 2011, I started up my new blog about the archtop guitar I've begun. Not much to talk about yet, but as I get going I should be able to start posting soon. And, of course, as this Newtonian project moves along I will post here too.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

As Time Goes By

Well, it's been more than a year since my last post. I'm afraid I have nothing new to report, other than the fact that I have been fiddling with some designs for the base and mirror mount. You know how life takes over and pushes hobbies out of the way? Well, that happens to me a lot. I haven't been idle in the last year, and in fact I have recently begun a new project, which I just created a new blog about... an archtop guitar.

I have not abandoned this telescope project. It's just waiting for the right moment to continue. Hopefully, that will not be too much longer.

1 comment:

  1. I do know too how projects come an' go, though some stay and will be completed in time. At times they have to go on hold but then suddenly all parameters mesh and on one goes.

    So yer doin' a guitarra. Bravo. Had I had a different life-choice I'd 'a wished to be a luthier. I love fiddlin with 'em guitarras. So. Where do I find that da new bloggie?


I welcome all questions/comments about my project. But please keep in mind that I'm not (yet) a telescope know-it-all.